About Us
Specialized in Aquascaping
AquaRiks offers a varieties of Aquarium products , ornamental shrimps & bristlenose Pleco’s . from fish and shrimp to plants and its fertilizers , AquaRiks is dedicated to providing the latest updates and offers to its customers.

How did we Emerged
hi ... this is Rinkesh here .first of all thanks visiting Aquariks . im over whelmed that you took time reading this . i have started this hobby by keeping fish when i was just 8 years old . i still remember that i took the bowl and black mollys with it . and few days later they gave birth to baby fry . and what i did was i took the bowl and started showing the baby's to all of my neighbors . since that day i have been keeping fishes from goldfish to stingrays to arowana and what not and then in 2019 i started my first planted tank and i used to rescape it many times in every 2,3 months . from rescaping of one tank to scaping multiple tanks . and this is how my journey started and finally here we are changed the hobby in to business with the start of 2025 .

at AQUARIKS we always try to give our customer the best quality possible. whether its a plants, shrimps,plecos or any other aquarium products.